Thursday, December 04, 2008

Los Angeles Jews for Jesus Leafleting Case Settled

Alliance Defense Fund announced yesterday the settlement of a challenge to leafleting restrictions imposed by the City of Los Angeles (CA) on a Jews for Jesus group. Last year, a California federal district court issued a preliminary injunction ordering police to protect Jews for Jesus members who planned to hand out literature outside an Israel Independence Day Festival, so long as they remained at a prescribed distance. (See prior posting.) Now, in a stipulated permanent injunction in Jews for Jesus v. City of Los Angeles, California, (CD CA, Nov. 12, 2008), the court issued a permanent injunction permitting Jews for Jesus to hand out literature and converse with attendees at future Israeli Independence Day Festivals, but only if they remain at least 10 yards away from the entrance gate and outside the Festival's fenced off area. Following entry of the judgment, the court, on Dec. 1, entered a Stipulation of Voluntary Dismissal.