Some witnesses opposed to same-sex marriage testified concerning their understanding of the meaning and authority of Biblical scripture.... While the Commission also heard considerable testimony to the contrary, it is not the role of this Commission to comment on the merits of religious tenets or faiths of any of the witnesses who testified. This Commission recommends that the civil institution of marriage be extended to same-sex couples.The Review Commission's website links to extensive background material, including transcripts of Commission hearings. An AP story discusses the Commission's report.
Objective coverage of church-state and religious liberty developments, with extensive links to primary sources.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
New Jersey Panel Recommends Permitting Same-Sex Marriage
The New Jersey Civil Union Review Commission yesterday submitted its final report titled The Legal, Medical, Economic & Social Consequences of New Jersey's Civil Union Law. The report recommends that the state legislature and Governor "expeditiously" change the law to permit same-sex couples to marry. A portion of the 79-page report discusses testimony in opposition to same-sex marriage. It states in part: