Sunday, December 14, 2008

Publications Charge Army With Improper Aid To Missionaires Filming TV Show

Jason Leopold at The Public Record yesterday, following up on a claim in the weekly newsletter of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, charges that the U.S. Army was improperly entangled in the filming of an episode of the Trinity Broadcasting Network's Christian reality TV series titled Travel the Road. The series follows two so-called "extreme missionaries" who travel around the world to preach the gospel. The 2006 season of the program ended with three episodes filmed in Afghanistan. The missionaries, Will Decker and Tim Scott, were embedded with the Army in Afghanistan for the programs. They accompanied Army soldiers on patrol and say in one episode that a Staff Sergeant played a hands-on role in helping them facilitate proselytizing of Afghans. Apparently the missionaries distributed copies of the New Testament translated into Dari to Afghans.