Friday, December 05, 2008

Times Ad Condemns Violence Against LDS Church For Its Prop 8 Support

A full-page ad titled "No Mob Veto" (full text) ran in today's New York Times. The ad condemns the "violence and intimidation" being directed at the Mormon Church by reason of its support of California's Proposition 8 that banned same-sex marriage. (See prior posting.) Coordinated by the Becket Fund, the ad is signed by thirteen prominent religious, academic and human rights leaders. The ad indicates that the signers have different views on the "wisdom and justice" of Proposition 8, but agree on their opposition to anti-religious bigotry and violence. Signers included individuals with Evangelical, Catholic and Jewish organizational affiliations.

In a press release on the ad, Interfaith Alliance President C. Welton Gaddy said: "I am pleased to see the newfound commitment of some of my friends on the right to fight against anti-religious bigotry and violence against houses of worship.... [However] I do wonder if the signers will be willing to spend tens-of-thousands of dollars along with their prestige the next time a primarily gay congregation’s legitimacy is called in to question, or a mosque is targeted for harassment." Towleroad blog has additional background on the ad.