Monday, January 12, 2009

Church Assets Awarded In Divorce To Leader's Ex-Wife

In Florida, a Miami-Dade County state district court judge has decided that Growing in Grace ministry is so much the alter ego of its leader, Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda, that his ex-wife is entitled to half the assets of the 300-church organization, as well as those held in her husband's name. The ruling came in a divorce action awarding ex-wife Josefina Torres $2.2 million. Judge Roberto Pineiro wrote that de Jesus "dominates the ministry like only a god can.... In what other corporation does the board of directors literally worship the president?" The minister also owes his ex-wife $121,000 in back alimony, and his daughter JoAnn, the church's manager, must explain at a Jan. 21 hearing why the church has not complied with an order to deduct Torres' alimony from de Jesus' salary. McClatchy Newspapers reported Friday:
De Jesus exploded into popularity - and controversy - in the past few years after he declared himself to be Christ. He later claimed that his teachings replaced those of Jesus and so he should be called the Antichrist. He and his followers then began tattooing themselves with "666," a practice that generated protests and headlines.
An appeal is being prepared.