Friday, January 30, 2009

Darwin Day Proposal Creates Controversy In Ohio City

February 12 is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, and already battles are erupting over celebrating the event. Wednesday's Columbus (OH) Dispatch reports that in the Columbus suburb of Whitehall, objections are derailing a proposal in city council. Councilwoman Jacquelyn Thompson originally urged that the city declare Feb. 12 to be Darwin Day in Whitehall. After objections were raised, she modified her proposal to declare February as "Science Month" in honor of both Darwin and Galileo (whose birthday is Feb. 15). However this proposal has also drawn substantial criticism, with the unspoken issue being evolution vs. creationism. Objections articulated by other council members include the unfairness in not naming hundreds of other deserving scientists, and conflicts with other February designations such as Black History Month. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]