Sunday, January 11, 2009

Episcopalian Schism Continues To Generate Litigation

Litigation involving break-away Episcopal congregations continues. In Milwaukee (WI), Episcopal Bishop Steven A. Miller says the Diocese will sue to retain the property of St. Edmund's Episcopal Church. Last month, the parish voted overwhelming to leave The Episcopal Church and affiliate with the more conservative Convocation of North American Anglicans. (Virtue Online, 1/8). St. Edmonds sent a strongly worded letter to Bishop Miller announcing their decision.

Meanwhile, according to Virtue Online (1/10), in Binghamton, NY a state trial court has ruled that the property of Church of the Good Shepherd belongs to the Episcopal Church, and not to the parish that broke away when the Diocese began to approve same-sex marriage. Yesterday's Modesto (CA) Bee analyzes why schisms in the Presbyterian Church have been less litigious than those among Episcopalians.