Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year and Thanks To Religion Clause Readers

Dear Religion Clause Readers:

Happy New Year! As we enter one of the most challenging years in U.S. history, I want to thank all of you who read Religion Clause. To the long time followers, thanks for your continuing interest; to those who have joined us more recently, welcome aboard! It has been a year packed full of news and developments relating to law and religion. And it has been a good year for Religion Clause blog. The site meter shows that the blog has attracted over 430,000 visits since it began in 2005. Over 205,000 of those were registered in 2008. This past year, Religion Clause was again named by the ABA as one of the 100 best legal blogs. Also this year, upon reader request, I have added an option permitting you to receive Religion Clause through daily e-mails. Some individuals appear to favor that delivery method. (Scroll to bottom of sidebar to sign up).

Religion Clause's established format of strict neutrality, broad coverage and links to numerous primary sources seems to have filled a special niche for those interested in the areas of church-state and religious freedom. I am pleased that my regular readers span the political and religious spectrum. Thanks also to those of you who send me leads to new developments. I read and appreciate receiving them, even though I cannot always acknowledge them. They help me assure that the coverage of the blog is complete.

Best wishes for 2009!

Howard M. Friedman