Friday, February 13, 2009

Christian College Student Sues Over Speech Prof's Treatment of His Presentation

On Wednesday, a student at Los Angeles City College filed a federal court lawsuit against a speech professor John Matteson, and against the trustees and various administrators at the College. The lawsuit revolves around a speech that plaintiff Jonathan Lopez delivered in class to fulfill an open-ended assignment for the course. His speech focused on his Christian beliefs including beliefs that marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman. Prof. Matteson had already made clear to the class that he was a supporter of same-sex marriage. Lopez believes that sharing his Christian beliefs is a religious duty.

The complaint Lopez v. Candaele, (CD CA, filed 2/11/2009) (full text) alleges that Prof. Matteson refused to permit Lopez to complete his speech, called him a "fascist bastard" and, instead of entering a grade on an evaluation sheet, wrote that Lopez should "ask God" for his grade. An appeal to the dean was unavailing. It led to threats of retaliation by Matteson and claims by administrators that Lopez was engaged in hate speech. The lawsuit challenges both the actions taken against Lopez and the College's speech code as violations of the 1st and 14th Amendments. Alliance Defense Fund issued a release yesterday reporting on the case and linking to additional background materials.