Saturday, February 14, 2009

Some Oklahoma Legislators Object To Invocation By Gay Minister

A routine motion in Oklahoma's House of Representatives encountered unexpected opposition last Wednesday, according to NewsOK. Reverend Scott Jones had been invited by Rep. Al McAffrey to deliver that day's invocation as chaplain for the day in the House. McAffrey is the Oklahoma legislature's only openly gay member. Rev. Jones, in remarks before delivering his prayer, introduced his guests that were in the House gallery, including his "loving partner and fiance, Michael." When at the end of the session, McAffrey moved to include Jones' invocation in the House Journal, 20 representatives voted against the motion. (64 voted in favor.) McAffrey said the unusual negative votes were apparently because Jones and most of his congregation are gay. Americans United issued a release yesterday criticizing the legislators for demonstrating "official favoritism among religions based on their personal religious biases in the public chamber of the Oklahoma House of Representatives."