Monday, March 09, 2009

Illinois Senate Committee Tables Proposed Change In Moment of Silence Law

As previously reported, an appeal is pending in the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in a case which found Illinois' current moment of silence law an unconstitutional violation of the Establishment Clause. Last month, Sen. Kimberly Lightford, sponsor of the original bill, introduced an amendment to make the provision more clearly neutral and less likely to be seen as supporting prayer as the preferred alternative during the moment of silence. (Full Text of SB1658.) A Chicago Tribune column reports on the state Senate's Education Committee hearing on the amendment held last Thursday. When Lightford indicated that the proposal would likely moot the pending appeal, the Committee tabled the bill in the middle of a roll call vote, preferring to wait to see how the court rules. Eric Zorn's Tribune column says this demonstrates that proponents are motivated by the desire to encourage prayer.