Wednesday, April 01, 2009

India Supreme Court Rejects Muslim Student's Challenge To Grooming Rule

India's Supreme Court on Monday rejected a challenge by a Muslim high school student to school rules that require him to shave his beard. The National and UCANews yesterday reported on the decision that permits a Catholic school, the Nirmala Convent Higher Secondary School, to enforce its grooming policy. Sixteen year old Mohammad Salim claimed that the ban violates his constitutionally protected right to practice his religion. He also argued unequal treatment since Sikh students are permitted to wear beards and turbans. Justice Markandey Katju said: "We should strike a balance between rights and personal beliefs." He also added: "We don’t want to have Taliban in the country. Tomorrow a girl student may come and say that she wants to wear a burqa [in the school] – can we allow that?"