Tuesday, May 05, 2009

"Joe the Plumber" Gives His Views on Religion and Politics

Monday's Christianity Today carries an interview with Samuel Wurzelbacher , who became known as "Joe the Plumber"-- the symbol of the average American-- in the 2008 Presidential campaign. Wurzelbacher answers questions regarding his Christian faith and his view of the future of the Republican Party. After saying that "the Founding Fathers based the Constitution off of Christian values," Wurzelbacher opines that the Republican Party is not reaching out enough to evangelicals. His favorite Christian leader is James Dobson. He says: "When politicians start talking about being a Christian, I just worry, because a lot of them don't really follow through.... I would love to hear our leaders actually check with God before he does stuff." On whether he plans to run for political office: "Not right now. God hasn't said, 'Joe, I want you to run.'"