Saturday, July 11, 2009

Nominee To Head NIH Is Strong Advocate For Compatibilibty of Science and Faith

This past Wednesday, the White House announced the nomination of renowned geneticist Dr. Francis S. Collins to head the National Institutes of Health. Collins headed the NIH's Human Genome Project. Yesterday and today, articles in the Wall Street Journal and AlterNet focus on another part of Collins' biography-- his strong advocacy for the position that science (including evolutionary theory) and religious faith are compatible. In 2006, Collins authored a book titled The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief. Francis has also founded the BioLogos Foundation, which describes its mission as follows:
BioLogos represents the harmony of science and faith. It addresses the central themes of science and religion and emphasizes the compatibility of Christian faith with scientific discoveries about the origins of the universe and life
BioLogos' press release on Collins' nomination says that if he is confirmed, his leadership role at BioLogos will be assumed by Drs. Darrel Falk and Karl Giberson.

UPDATE: The Senate confirmed Collins by voice vote on Aug. 7. (Fresno Bee.)