Friday, August 07, 2009

Conservative Rabbi Sues Challenging Georgia's Kosher Food Labeling Act

Yesterday in Atlanta, Georgia, a rabbi filed a state court lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Georgia's Kosher Food Labeling Act (OCGA Sec. 26-2-330 ff.). The complaint (full text) in Lewis v. Perdue, (Super. Ct. Fulton Co., filed 8/9/2009), claims that by defining "kosher food" as "food prepared under and of products sanctioned by the orthodox Hebrew religious rules and requirements," Sec. 26-2-330 ignores the different interpretations in different streams of Judaism as to what is kosher. This, the lawsuit contends, violates the constitutional rights of Rabbi Shalom Lewis who applies Conservative Jewish standards. The suit contends that the law as currently written violates the free exercise, establishment, equal protection and due process clauses of the U.S. and Georgia constitutions. The ACLU which filed the suit on behalf of Rabbi Lewis has issued a press release on the case.