Friday, August 28, 2009

Michigan School Board Reinstitutes "Christmas Break"

The Petoskey, Michigan School Board, during a closed portion of its August 18 meeting, voted unanimously to change the school calendar so that "Winter Holiday Break" is now called "Christmas Break." The Petoskey News-Review last week reported that the change was made in response to an e-mail (full text) from the Board's treasurer, Jack Waldvogel. Waldvogel now says his message was "tongue-in-cheek." It read in part:

We are in spite of what the Obamessiah says, STILL a Christian nation, founded on Judeo Christian principles.... [E]ither agree to change the "December vacation" back to "Christmas break" in all future publications (including the school calendar) voluntarily, or I will make a motion to change it at the next board meeting and raise such a stink, and bring out every redneck Christian conservative north of Clare to compel the district to do so....

Let the Ramadamians and the Kwanzanians bring their celebrations to school too .... to share with our Christian children, but don't cut God out of the school completely.... Don't assume this is a joke, I'm being as serious as I possibly can here."

Waldvogel sent his message in reply to one he received from the Superintendent's secretary regarding the school calendar. Apparently he hit "reply to all" without realizing how broadly his e-mail would be circulated. At any rate, on Tuesday the Freedom from Religion Foundation wrote the school district (full text of letter) complaining about the Board's action and asking it to dissociate itself from Waldvogel's remarks. It says the change to "Christmas Break" unconstitutionally advances Christianity over other religions. Yesterday's National Examiner and today's Michigan Messenger report on the controversy.