Friday, August 14, 2009

Muslim Group Sues Portland, Maine Over Zoning Restrictions

The Maine Civil Liberties Union announced yesterday that it has filed suit on behalf of the Portland Masjid and Islamic Center, challenging the city of Portland's zoning determination that a group of Afghani Muslims may not use a former television repair shop they purchased as a site for prayer services and religious study. The MCLU says that the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act trumps the city's zoning restrictions, pointing out that there are already eight churches within one mile of the Islamic Center's property-- none of which had to meet the heightened zoning requirements now being applied.

UPDATE: WCSH6 News reported on Aug. 17 that the city and the Islamic Center have reached an agreement that the former TV repair shop can be used for religious purposes while the lawsuit moves forward. The agreement comes in time for the start of Ramadan on Friday. Talks will continue between the two parties over possible zoning law changes.