Sunday, August 02, 2009

Suit Threatened Against British Photographer Who Used Church For Photo Shoot

In Cornwall, England, attorneys for the vicar of the 13th century Anglican church in St. Michael Penkivel have threatened photographer Andy Craddock with legal action. Yesterday's London Daily Mail reports that Craddock and his girlfriend walked into the open church building with two models who posed for an erotic photo shoot, using the the church interior as a backdrop. Rev. Andrew Yates's solicitor says that the photos, published on Craddock's website, are blasphemous and has threatened to sue Craddock for trespass. He says public access to the church is only for worship or related church activities and that Craddock did not have permission for the photography session. In 2005, the church was used to film Rowan Atkinson's comedy about a serial killer, Keeping Mum. Craddock said: "How is it worse having someone naked in the church than having a film set there about murder and death? If the parishioners are upset by the naked girls on their altar, why are they not as upset about murders set around the church and the village?"