Thursday, September 10, 2009

Britain Appoints First Jewish Civilian Chaplain For Military Forces

Britain's Ministry of Defence announced Tuesday that Rabbi Arnold Saunders has been appointed the first Jewish Civilian Chaplain to the British military. He will be responsible for serving Jewish personnel in all three branches of the military services. The Ministry says that some 130 Jewish personnel currently serve in the British armed forces, while other reports put the number at around 200. The British military in recent years has appointed only Christian chaplains as part of the regular Chaplains' corps, though the Jewish community has appointed an honorary chaplain and Jewish chaplains serve in the Territorial Army (the reserves). In 2005, the military appointed civilian chaplains to serve Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu and Sikh members of the armed forces. (Background). YNet News has more on Rabbi Saunders appointment. [Thanks to Joel Katz (Relig & State in Israel) for the lead.]