Sunday, September 06, 2009

In India, Suit Threatened Over Compulsory Hindu Prayer In Schools

The education minister of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh last month ordered that beginning Sept. 5, all students in schools that participate in the state-run lunch program must recite the "bhojan mantra" before their mid-day meals. IANS reports today that a group of socio-cultural organizations will file suit in the Madhya Pradesh high court asking that the court order an end to the practice. In a memorandum submitted to the state's governor, the groups argue that the new order divides students and teachers on the basis of religion. Muslim and Christian groups object to introduction of the Hindu practice. [corrected]

UPDATE: An earlier article from Thaindian News gives more background as well as setting out the specific bhojan mantra that is prescribed (different from the one to which I earlier linked). This posting comment from "Erp" sets out more detail.