Friday, September 04, 2009

Iowa School District Unveils Revised Religious Liberty Draft Policy

After withdrawing its original draft policy on religious liberty in schools (see prior posting), Spencer, Iowa school officials today unveiled a new draft (full text). It provides in part:

Teachers shall prepare and teach lessons throughout the year and throughout the curriculum that:

  • Approach religion as academic, not devotional
  • Strive for student awareness of religions, not acceptance of religions
  • Study about religion, but do not practice religion in the classroom
  • Expose students to diversity of religious views, not impose any particular view
  • Educate about a variety of religions, not promote or denigrate religion
  • Inform students about various beliefs, not conform students to any particular belief
  • Demonstrate the impact of economic, social, political and cultural effects of religion throughout history
  • Are age appropriate
The Spencer Daily Reporter covers these developments.