Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Kentucky High School Team's Trip To Revival Raises Parental Concerns

In Breckinridge County, Kentucky, some Breckinridge County High School parents are upset about a bus trip for the football team organized last month by Coach Scott Mooney. USA Today yesterday reported that the trip to Franklin Crossroads Baptist Church included a revival at which 8 or 9 of the 20 players attending were baptized. Superintendent Janet Meeks, also a member of the church, defended the trip as voluntary. She was there and viewed the baptisms without raising any objections. A public school bus was used to transport the team to church, but another coach used personal funds to pay for gas. The church's pastor, the Rev. Ron Davis, said that he requires minors to obtain their parents' consent to be baptized. He said though that sometime high schoolers look older than they are.