Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Florida Judge Will Order Teenage Convert Back To Ohio's Jurisdiction

The Orlando (FL) Sentinel reported yesterday that a Florida judge will order 17-year old Fathima Rifqa Bary back to her home state of Ohio where an Ohio court wants jurisdiction. A foster home for the girl has been identified in Ohio. Bary, who converted from Islam to Christianity, fled in August to Florida to husband and wife pastors she had met through Facebook. Rifqa claimed she was afraid her father would kill her because of her conversion. Currently the girl is in custody of Florida's Department of Children and Families. (See prior posting.) Bary's family says that Rifqa's fears are unfounded, but the girl's Florida lawyer says she still is afraid of being returned to her native Sri Lanka.

Florida Circuit Court Judge Daniel Dawson says he will not order the girl returned until her family submits paper work clarifying her immigration status which so far have not been forthcoming despite several court orders seeking them. He also wants assurances that Rifqa will be able to continue studying in a Florida online school. Several people in an Ohio courtroom participated by phone in yesterday's hearing in Florida, including lawyers for Rifqa's parents, her Ohio lawyer, an Ohio prosecutor and a judge. Rifqa spent much of the hearing thumbing through a Bible.