Monday, November 16, 2009

Group Challenges Indianapolis Schools' Internet Filtering Policy

The Freedom From Religion Foundation last week (press release) wrote to the Indianapolis (IN) school system (full text of letter) complaining that the Indianapolis Public Schools Internet Filtering Policy violates the First Amendment as well as regulations under the federal Children's Internet Protection Act. Among the nearly 30 categories of website that are blocked on school computers are "Alternative Spirituality/ Belief Sites." These are described as:
Sites that promote and provide information on religions such as Wicca, Witchcraft or Satanism. Occult practices, atheistic views, vodoo rituals or any form of mysticism are represented here. Includes sites that ... [instruct in the use of] spells, incantations, curses and magic powers.
FFRF contends that this policy amounts to viewpoint discrimination and a violation of the Establishment Clause because it allows access to sites offering information about Christianity and other mainstream religions, but not about atheism. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]