Thursday, November 05, 2009

New Zealand OKs Cola Ad Portraying Humorous Confessional Exchange

The New Zealand Advertising Standards Complaint Board has rejected a complaint that a television ad by Demon Drinks, Ltd. violates provisions in its Advertising Code of Ethics barring any ad "which in the light of generally prevailing community standards is likely to cause serious or widespread offence"or which is prepared without "a due sense of social responsibility." Yesterday's New Zealand Catholic reports that the ad, for Illicit Cola, portrays a young man in a confessional telling a supposed priest: "Father, I've sinned. I'm seeing this girl, but I also want her sister." The priest responds:"Don't be shy, my son; date them both." Then the young man refers to Illicit Cola and says: "It's good to be bad." The Board ruled that the ad contains obvious hyperbole and humor and thus does not cause serious or widespread offense.