Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Town Decides To Remove Creche Rather Than Permit Atheist and Other Messages

The Chambersburg, Pennsylvania Borough Council on Monday voted to allow only American flags and flowers on the town's Memorial Square fountain war memorial. The decision means that the Nativity scene that was placed on the Square again this year by the Chambersburg Garden Club must now be taken down. Council's action came after an atheist group sought permission to put up a sign on the Square showing a rising sun over the words "Celebrating Solstice. Honoring Atheist War Veterans." Yesterday's Chambersburg Public Opinion says Council members concluded they would rather have no displays on Memorial Square than permit an influx of competing messages each holiday season. Carl Silverman, director of the mid-state chapter of PA Nonbelievers, said Council's decision reflected discrimination against atheists and other nonbelievers. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

UPDATE: The Dec. 4 Harrisburg Patriot-News reports that the Nativity scene has found a new home in front of Central Presbyterian Church, just across the street from the Memorial Square Fountain.