Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rifqa Bary Remains In Foster Care, Agrees to Counseling

The Columbus Dispatch reported yesterday that a sort of detente has been reached in the case of Rifqa Bary, the 17-year old who fled her home in Ohio after converting from Islam to Christianity. She fled to a pastor in Florida, claiming her father had threatened to kill her because of the conversion. Florida courts eventually returned her to Ohio. At a court hearing in Columbus (OH) on Tuesday, both sides agreed that Rifqa would remain in a foster home where she is now living in temporary custody of Franklin County (OH) Children Services. Rifqa and her parents will go through counseling. If they are not reconciled, when Rifqa turns 18 in August when will be considered an adult and will be free to live wherever she wishes. Also in the court hearing, Rifqa admitted she was unruly in running a way from home, but the court will impose no sanctions on her. During the hearing, Rifqa, carrying a wooden cross and wearing a rhinestone crucifix necklace, clung to her attorney, Angela Lloyd. (See prior related posting.)