Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Ohio Supreme Court Will Decide If Church Can Sponsor Charter School

The Ohio Supreme Court has agreed to review a case in which a church claims that a decision of the Ohio Department of Education denying its application to sponsor a charter school ("community school") violates the equal protection clauses of the U.S. and Ohio (Art. 1, Sec. 2) constitutions and as well as the free exercise clause of the Ohio Constitution (Art. 1, Sc. 7). The denial was based on Ohio Rev. Code 3314.015(B)(3) that requires a sponsor to be an "education-oriented institution." According to yesterday's Columbus Dispatch, Brookwood Presbyterian Church in Columbus runs an educational program for 64 children with autism. It currently operates under the umbrella of another approved charter school, but that school is now threatened with closure. An Ohio Court of Appeals dismissed the church's challenge on the ground that the Department of Education's decision to deny a community school application is unappealable. Brookwood Presbyterian Church v. Ohio Department of Education, (OH Ct. App., Sept. 8, 2009). The full text of all the pleadings, briefs and court orders filed in the case in the Ohio Supreme Court are available online. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]