Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Parents Who Relied on Prayer To Heal Son Sentenced to 16 Months For Negligent Homicide

The Oregonian reports that an Oregon state judge yesterday sentenced Jeffrey and Marci Beagley to 16 months in prison, followed by 3 years probation, after their conviction last month for the criminally negligent homicide of their 16 year old son. The Beagley's, members of the Followers of Christ Church that rejects medical care, prayed for their son rather than seeking medical attention for his urinary tract obstruction. (See prior posting.) Clackamas County Circuit Court Judge Steven Maurer gave a long explanation of his sentencing, saying that too many children had died because of the Followers of Christ Church's beliefs. He said, "It needs to stop." He said that even though the Beagleys "are good people," the magnitude of their crime calls for a prison sentence.