Thursday, March 18, 2010

Senate Defeats Attempt To Reauthorize D.C. School Voucher Program

Yesterday, by a vote of 42-55, the U.S. Senate defeated an amendment to the Federal Aviation Administration bill that would have reauthorized the District of Columbia's Opportunity Scholarship program. The amendment was proposed by Sen. Joseph Lieberman. (Congressional Record debate.) Last March, in the budget bill, Congress provided that the Opportunity Scholarship school voucher program would end after the 2009-10 school year, unless reauthorized. (See prior posting.) More than half the students receiving scholarships use their vouchers at religious-- mostly Roman Catholic-- schools. In a press release applauding the Senate vote, American United executive director, Rev. Barry Lynn, said: "Not only has the program failed to boost achievement among its targeted population, it also has forced taxpayers to support religious schools against their will."