Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Recommended Life Sentence For Rubashkin Questioned

A sentencing hearing is scheduled tomorrow in an Iowa federal district court for Sholom Rubashkin, the former manager of a Postville, Iowa kosher slaughter house who was convicted on 86 counts of financial fraud after a raid on the Agriprocessors packing plant also led to immigration charges that were eventually dropped. To the surprise of many, federal prosecutors have recommended a life sentence for Rubashkin. Yesterday's Washington Post reports that a letter from 23 former prosecutors, including former Attorneys General Janet Reno and Ed Meese, urges Judge Linda Reade to impose a shorter sentence. Some speculate that prosecutors have singled out Rubashkin, a Hasidic Jew, because of his appearance or religious beliefs, or that the U.S. Attorney's Office is motivated by anti-Semitism. (See prior related posting.)