Friday, May 21, 2010

Mormon Missionaries Encountering Resistance Over Arizona Immigration Law

Yesterday's Arizona Republic reports that Mormon missionaries in the state are encountering resistance from Latinos they are seeking to convert because the sponsor of the state's controversial new immigration law (SB 1070) is a Mormon. Also some recent Latino converts are leaving their new faith over the issue. The LDS Church views Arizona's 1.8 million Latinos as crucial to the church's continued growth. There are 51 Spanish-speaking LDS congregations in Arizona. State Senator Russell Pearce, a Republican from Mesa and chief proponent of the new immigration legislation, has said that his efforts against illegal immigrants in the state is based in part on the LDS Church's 12th Article of Faith that calls for "obeying, honoring and sustaining the law." Kim Farah, a spokeswoman for the LDS Church in Salt Lake City, said that Mormon elected officials do not represent the position of the Church which has not taken a position on immigration. Church leaders have urged compassion and careful reflection on immigration issues.