Friday, August 13, 2010

Russian Dairy Will Enforce Religious Rules On Employees-- Church Weddings and No Abortions

In Russia, the head of a prominent dairy company says he will fire any employee who refuses to be married in Russian Orthodox Church ceremonies, and will also fire any female employee who has had an abortion.  Reuters, in a report in today's Toronto Sun, quotes the president of Russkoye Moloko, Vasily Boiko-Veliky, who says his company-- with 6000 employees-- was created to promote the Orthodox revival in Russia. The company's milk products, sold in many Moscow supermarkets, are promoted as "ecologically safe." Boiko-Veliky says current married employees have until Oct. 14 to have a Church ceremony, while new employees who are married will have three months to get a Church wedding. As for women who have had abortions, Boiko-Veliky says: "We don’t want to work with killers." Critics say the company's rules violate Russia's constitution and labor laws.