Friday, August 06, 2010

Southern Baptist Minister In Runoff For U.S. House In Georgia's 7th District

The Macon Telegraph yesterday profiled Rev. Jody Hice who will be one of two candidates in the run-off next Tuesday for the Republican nomination for the U.S. House of Representatives in Georgia's Republican-leaning 7th District that encompasses the eastern suburbs of Atlanta.  Hice, a Southern Baptist, was prominent in battles to display the Ten Commandments in public buildings, and defied the IRS by endorsing 2008 Presidential candidate John McCain from the pulpit. His campaign office features a poster of Jesus kneeling in prayer with one hand outstretched touching the crack in the Liberty Bell. Hice particularly attracted attention with billboards on the Atlanta freeways that show President Obama with a Soviet hammer and sickle. Hice has focused his campaign on fiscal issues, but still maintains his half-hour radio show on the Christian Satellite Network. Some say he violated tax laws on non-profits when in his July 27 broadcast Hice gave a brief update on the runoff and asked for listeners' prayers. Both Hice's Let Freedom Ring Ministries and the network are non-profits. The 7th district's current congressman, Republican John Linder, is retiring. Hice's opponent in the run-off is Rob Woodall, Linder's former chief-of-staff. Woodall was the front-runner in the initial round of primary voting.