Thursday, September 16, 2010

Court Says Limitation Period Has Expired On Child Sex Abuse Case From 1940's

According to yesterday's Newark (NJ) Star Ledger, a New Jersey state trial judge has dismissed on statute of limitations grounds a lawsuit filed by two men claiming physical and sexual abuse by nuns at an orphanage over 65 years ago. New Jersey's statute of limitations allows child sex abuse claims to be filed up to two years after reasonable discovery that an injury was caused by abuse.  The plaintiffs, now in their 80's, say the abuse occurred at Sacred Heart Orphanage when they were between 10 and 14 years old.  One plaintiff argued he remembered physical beatings, but repressed memories of the sexual abuse until 2004 when he saw a CNN report on payouts to other abuse victims.  The other plaintiff says for decades he believed he had enjoyed the sexual abuse. The court concluded that the men should have filed in the mid-1990's, or at least by 2001, when media reports of similar cases should have triggered their memories.