Thursday, October 14, 2010

Residents Protest Removal of Christian Flag From War Memorial

As previously reported, last month King City, North Carolina's city council voted to remove a Christian flag that had flown at the city's veteran's memorial along with U.S., state and other flags. Today's Daily Tar Heel reports that, in response, residents have been protesting. They placed a new Christian flag there on a temporary stand and are guarding it 24 hours a day. The protest will continue until Oct. 23 when there will be a march through town to support a return of the flag which depicts a soldier kneeling in front of a cross. Also local businesses and homes are now flying the flag and vendors are selling T-shirts and magnets depicting it.  A supporter said: "We are not trying to represent diversity of the world. We are trying to represent the community and the values that the country was founded on."