recently, President Obama hosted a conference call with thousands of religious and community leaders to share important information about new health care benefits that will impact those in need. There could hardly be a more appropriate audience. When congregants falls ill, faith communities come together to support their brothers and sisters in need. And when families struggle, they often turn to religious leaders for the spiritual and practical support to move forward. This is why faith leaders requested information about a new health care law that includes, for example, provisions that make it illegal for insurance companies to deny care to sick children, and allows young people to remain on their parent’s health insurance until they turn 26.
Objective coverage of church-state and religious liberty developments, with extensive links to primary sources.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
White House Defends Conference Call To Faith-Based Leaders On Health Care Reform
CNN yesterday reported that the White House is responding to criticisms of its faith-based office leveled by former Bush administration officials. At issue was a conference call to leaders of faith based and community groups by President Obama and Joshua DuBois, his director of faith-based initiatives, urging the leaders on the call to help explain the advantages of the Obama health care plan to their constituencies. (See prior posting). In a blog posting on the White House website yesterday, Joshua DuBois said in part: