Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mullah Omar Calls On Young Educated Afghans To Defend Islamic Values

Threat Matrix yesterday published the full text of a lengthy Eid al-Adha statement by Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Omar. In a section of his statement addressed to university students and young educated Afghan men, Omar says:
As a young educated generation and men of letters (writers) of our Islamic country, you are the leaders of tomorrow of the country. Our enemy is turning every stone to spread their cultural and ideological influence over the young generation of this Muslim country and thus jeopardize our history, religious values and our future. Our religious and historical enemy has cunningly launched a propaganda drive, spending huge amount of money in order to gradually strip our young generation of their Afghan and Islamic identity. As a young generation of this Islamic country, you have an Islamic and Afghani responsibility to confront these hostile anti-Islamic and anti-Afghan endeavors of the enemy with all your capability of tongue and pen and indefatigable struggle. Do not let your historical, religious and cultural enemy succeed.