information on the basics of the doctrine and the practice based thereon, including the characteristics of the given belief and history of origin of the given organisation, characteristics of the forms and methods of its activities, characteristics of attitude towards family, marriage and education, characteristics of the attitude towards the health of the followers of the given religion, on limitations of civil rights and obligations envisaged for the members and servants of the organisationThe draft also provides that a court may order liquidation of a religious organization on grounds of:
- Breach of public security and public order;
- Damaging human health and morality;
- Encroachment of human rights and freedoms;
- Arbitrary intervening in family affairs;
- Abetting persons "being in a state dangerous for life and health" to refuse medical aid based on religious motives;
- Instigate persons to refuse performing civil obligations prescribed by law and to commit other illegal actions.
A proposed new provision in the Criminal Code deals with proselytism. It would bar "distortion of religious convictions of persons in any direct or indirect form of persuasion through a reward or a promise thereof or moral assistance or material aid or deceit, as well as through exploitation of their lack of experience, trust, need, [or] low mental abilities."