Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Russian Regional Law Turns Confiscated Catholic and Lutheran Properties Over To Orthodox Church

Forum 18 reported yesterday on two laws enacted by the Duma in Russia's Kaliningrad Region at the end of October.  They provided for turning over to the Russian Orthodox Church various properties that had been confiscated years ago by Soviet authorities from the Lutheran and Catholic Churches. On Nov. 23, the head of the State Property Agency formally transferred two properties, and the Russian Orthodox Church promptly signed leases with the organizations now occupying the buildings allowing them to continue to do so. Holy Family Catholic Church currently houses the regional orchestra, while Queen Luise Lutheran Memorial Church is used by the puppet theater.  The controversial laws reflect the view of the Russian Orthodox Church that transfers of confiscated religious property should reflect the composition of the population of the area today and not be based on who built the places of worship. The Kaliningrad Region, formerly German East Prussia, was annexed by the Soviet Union during World War II and most of its ethnic German population was driven out.