Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pope Addresses Diplomatic Corps Calling For Expanded Religious Liberty

Yesterday Pope Benedict XVI delivered his annual address (full text) to the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See-- ambassadors from 178 countries. Zenit reports that Vatican officials characterized the Pope's remarks as opening a new chapter in the commitment to religious liberty. Here are a few excerpts:
[T]he attacks which brought death, grief and dismay among the Christians of Iraq, even to the point of inducing them to leave the land where their families have lived for centuries, has troubled us deeply. To the authorities of that country and to the Muslim religious leaders I renew my heartfelt appeal that their Christian fellow-citizens be able to live in security, continuing to contribute to the society in which they are fully members.
In Egypt too, in Alexandria, terrorism brutally struck Christians as they prayed in church. This succession of attacks is yet another sign of the urgent need for the governments of the region to adopt, in spite of difficulties and dangers, effective measures for the protection of religious minorities.....
Among the norms prejudicing the right of persons to religious freedom, particular mention must be made of the law against blasphemy in Pakistan: I once more encourage the leaders of that country to take the necessary steps to abrogate that law, all the more so because it is clear that it serves as a pretext for acts of injustice and violence against religious minorities....
Turning our gaze from East to West, we find ourselves faced with other kinds of threats to the full exercise of religious freedom. I think in the first place of countries which accord great importance to pluralism and tolerance, but where religion is increasingly being marginalized. There is a tendency to consider religion, all religion, as something insignificant, alien or even destabilizing to modern society, and to attempt by different means to prevent it from having any influence on the life of society.....
UPDATE: The Jan. 11 Wall Street Journal reports that in response to the Pope's criticism, Egypt recalled its ambassador to the Vatican. [Thanks to Pew Sitter for the lead.]