US Law and Policy:
- Richard E. Redding, Without a Prayer?: Spirituality and Performance in Law School – A Reply to Professor Taylor, (California Western Law Review, Vol. 47, 2011).
- Micah Schwartzman, Conscience, Speech, and Money, (Virginia Law Review, April 2011).
- Jeffrey R. Baker, Trifling Violence: The U.S. Supreme Court, Domestic Violence and the Golden Rule, (February 4, 2011).
- Zachary R. Calo, Review of Church, State and Original Intent by Donald Drakeman, (Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Vol. 78, p. 827, 2010).
- Ali Khan, A Portfolio Theory of Foreign Affairs: U.S. Relations with the Muslim World, (Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2011).
- Olubayo Oluduro, The Role of Religious Leaders in Curbing the Spread of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, (Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2010).
- Sylvie Bacquet, Religious Freedom in a Secular Society: An Analysis of the French Approach to Manifestation of Beliefs in the Public Sphere, (January 17, 2011).
- Zachary R. Calo, Pluralism, Secularism and the European Court of Human Rights, (Journal of Law and Religion, Vol. 26, p. 101, 2010).
- Werner Menski, Fuzzy Law and the Boundaries of Secularism, (Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2010).
- Steven Lubet, The Oberlin Fugitive Slave Rescue: A Victory for the Higher Law, (North and South, Vol. 13, 2011).
- Zachary R. Calo, Religion, Human Rights and Post-Secular Legal Theory, (St. John's Law Review, Forthcoming).
- Zachary R. Calo, Human Rights and Healthy Secularity, (Journal of Catholic Social Thought, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2010).
- Zachary R. Calo, Empirical Desert and the Moral Economy of Punishment, (Arizona State Law Journal, Forthcoming).
- Lael Daniel Weinberger, The Business Judgment Rule and Sphere Sovereignty, (Thomas M. Cooley Law Review, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2010).
- Michael J.T. McMillen, Trends in Islamic Project and Infrastructure Finance in the Middle East: Re-Emergence of the Murabaha, (February 1, 2011).
From SmartCILP:
- Keith S. Blair, Better Disabled than Devout? Why Title VII Has Failed to Provide Adequate Accommodations Against Workplace Religious Discrimination, 63 Arkansas Law Review 515-556 (2010).
- Nina J. Crimm, Might Houses of Worship Enable Currently Uninsured, Economically Disadvantaged Individuals to Obtain Affordable Health Care Insurance? [Abstract], 25 Journal of Civil Rights and Economic Development 69-79 (2010).
- Daniel Dalton, The Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act--Recent Developments, 42 Urban Lawyer 561-580 (2010).
- Pamela Harris, Pleasant Grove v. Summum and the Establishment Clause: Giving with One Hand, Taking with the Other? [Abstract], 46 Willamette Law Review 677-690 (2010).
- David R. Loy, A Different "Enlightened" Jurisprudence?, 54 St. Louis University Law Journal 1239-1256 (2010).