Thursday, March 17, 2011

Establishment Clause Challenge To City's Invocation Policy Survives Motion To Dismiss

In Atheists of Florida, Inc. v. City of Lakeland, Florida, (MD FL, March 15, 2011), a Florida federal district court allowed plaintiffs to proceed with their federal and state Establishment Clause claims challenging the invocation policy of the Lakeland (FL) City Commission. The city maintains a list from which they invite various clergy to deliver prayers at the beginning of each meeting. Plaintiffs claim that the city's practice, with one exception, has been to exclude non-Christians and the non-religious. After the lawsuit was filed, the city passed a new policy, but plaintiffs claim both that the official policy is unconstitutional and that the actual practice deviates from the formal policy. However plaintiffs' equal protection and free speech claims were dismissed. Tuesday's Lakeland (FL) Ledger reports on the decision.