Sunday, April 17, 2011

Today Religion Clause Blog Is 6 Years Old !

Religion Clause is 6 years old today. Thank you to all my readers who have been on board for many years and to the many newer visitors as well. If you continue to find Religion Clause useful, please recommend it to others who are also interested in church-states and religious liberty issues.

Sometime next month, Religion Clause will record its 1 millionth visitor. All of you have contributed to the success of the blog. Many who are professionally involved in church-state and religious liberty issues read the blog; and so do others who are online because of personal interest in the subject areas covered. The blog continues to be committed to religiously and ideologically neutral reporting of legal and public policy developments. I believe this is a unique niche in the blogosphere.

My goal is to keep the posts reasonably short, but provide extensive links, particularly to primary source material. I welcome your e-mails on leads for blog posts. I also urge you to e-mail me with any corrections that are called for in postings-- accuracy is an important goal on Religion Clause. You can reach me at I plan to maintain the same format for the blog in the upcoming year.  However I welcome e-mails from all of you suggesting changes or different directions you would find useful or interesting.