Friday, May 06, 2011

Settlement Leads To Dropping of Trespass Charges Against 2009 Pro-Life Notre Dame Demonstrators

In a press release yesterday, the Thomas More Society reported that an agreement has been reached between Notre Dame University and the so called "ND88"-- pro-life protesters who were arrested in 2009 for demonstrating on campus against the University's presenting an honorary degree to President Obama.  Pursuant to the agreement, the St. Joseph, Indiana county prosecutor has dropped criminal trespassing charges against almost all those who had been charged in the incident. (See prior related posting.) The release says, in part: "both parties have pledged not to rehash the events of the past, but on the contrary, to recognize each other's pro-life efforts and to work together to find ways to increase those efforts and maximize their impact on the nation’s contentious, ongoing debate over abortion policy."