Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tea Party Candidate Charges Her Opponent Rep. Keith Ellison Is Radical Islamist

The American Independent yesterday reported on the House of Representatives race in Minnesota's 5th Congressional District.  Incumbent Keith Ellison is being challenged by Tea Party Nation candidate Lynne Torgerson who accuses Ellison of being a "radical Islamist" who fails to oppose banning Shariah law in the United States. She says Ellison does not hold the U.S. Constitution supreme over Islamic law.  Apparently her charge is based on Ellison's statement that the U.S. Constitution "is the bedrock of American law." She complains that he did not use the term "supreme". Ellison charges that Torgerson is running a campaign based on hate, division and fear. In the 2010 Congressional race, Ellison received 68% of the vote, and Torgerson received less than 4%.