Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tajik Government Fights Rise of Islam

The New York Times today reports on efforts of the government of Tajikistan to fight the increasing popularity of Islam in the country.  According to the Times:
Bearded men have been detained at random, and women barred from religious services. This year, the government demanded that students studying religion at universities in places like Egypt, Syria and Iran return home. The police have shuttered private mosques and Islamic Web sites, and government censors now monitor Friday sermons, stepping in when muftis stray from the government line.
Last month, lawmakers took what many here said was a drastic step further: they passed a law that would, among other things, bar children younger than 18 from attending religious services at mosques. 
It is called the law “on parental responsibility for educating and raising children,” and the measure, according to officials, is meant to prevent children from skipping school to attend prayer services, and it would hold parents responsible if they do.
Government critics liken it to a Soviet-style attempt at reversing Islam’s spread. Many warn, however, that banning young people from mosques may have the opposite effect.
UPDATE: Forum18 (July 21) has a more detailed analysis of Tajikistan's Parental Responsibility Law, as well as a new criminal law provision barring extremist religious teaching.