Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Church Can Replace School Building-- Planning Board Had No Basis To Refuse Permission

Yesterday's Albany Times Union reports that a state trial court judge has overruled the Albany Planning Board's refusal to allow a Mormon church to tear down a former Catholic middle school building.  The court held that the Planning Board's conclusion that the building is vital to the fabric of the neighborhood lacks a rational basis. The LDS Church wants to replace the school building with a smaller chapel that provides more parking. In basing its decision on a lack of evidence supporting the Planning Board's conclusion, the court avoided ruling on the church's claims under RLUIPA.

UPDATE: Here is the full opinion in Matter of Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sts. v City of Albany, (NY Sup. Ct. Greene Co., Oct. 20, 2011).