Saturday, October 22, 2011

Revised Plan To Transfer Land To Catholic School Still Violates Establishment Clause

In Wirtz v. City of South Bend, Indiana, (ND IN, Oct. 19, 2011), and Indiana federal district court rejected a revised plan by South Bend to transfer land for use by a Catholic high school for construction of athletic facilities.  Last month the court held that the proposed transfer violates the Establishment Clause. (See prior posting.) In this decision, the court likewise rejected a new plan that called for sale of the land to the highest bidder, but with discretion to reject the high bid in favor of a lower one that promises to use the land to promote development of St. Joseph High School. The court said: "given the recent history of the City’s acquisition and attempt to convey the parcel here at issue, the City can’t do so with its stated criteria for selecting among bidders without sending a message of endorsement of the Catholic faith."  A press release from Americans United announced the decision. [Thanks to Don Byrd for the lead.]