Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Controversial Navy Chaplain Sues For Reinstatement and Back Pay

Former Navy chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, who has been in a long-running battle with the military over regulation requiring chaplains to deliver inclusive prayers at military events other than religious services, has filed suit in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims seeking back pay, restoration to active duty and removal of a court martial conviction and a letter of reprimand from his service record.  Klingenschmitt insisted he had a right to pray "in Jesus name" whenever he led prayers. (See prior related posting.) The complaint (full text) in Klingenschmitt v. United States, (Ct. Fed. Cl., filed 11/1/2011), contends that the various actions taken against him violate the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. World Net Daily reported on the lawsuit yesterday.